The PFL Home Visiting Model

PFL is an evidence based, manualised Home Visiting programme delivered as part of an integrated suite of services.  Using a collaborative, strengths based approach, the Home Visitor develops a positive, coaching relationship with the parents working with them in partnership on their parenting journey.  The Home Visiting process has three key aspects:

1: Tipsheets & Developmental Resources

Delivery of age appropriate information on supporting babies and children to reach key developmental milestones.  PFL uses a set of 200 age appropriate tipsheets which are reviewed and explained at each visit.  These tipsheets cover 7 key areas:  Cognitive Development, Socio-Emotional Development, Nutrition, Safety and Supervision, Rest and Routine, Parental Support and Transition to School.  These are supplemented with carefully chosen resources including books, toys and guidebooks. 

2: Goals and Aspirations

The Goals and Aspirations process is an important part of the programme and is intended to support families to create or reach their individual or family aspirations as well as helping to remove barriers. This can relate to aspirations that a parent has for their child, for themselves and/or for their family. It also involves developing opportunities for people to use their skills and wisdom. PFL HV recognises that if the needs or goals of parents or families are met, then this in turn supports the child and the wider family.

3: Interagency Work- Information, Referral and Advocacy

PFL Home Visiting recognises there are numerous benefits available to Home Visitors and to families by working in collaboration with other services and agencies.  This includes increasing the range of supports available for families, building on the knowledge and expertise of other professionals about areas such as education, employment, personal development, mental health, addiction, financial support, legal advice etc. This allows Home Visitors to support families in a holistic way and to receive a support that best meets their aspirations and needs (as required).

Additional Elements

In addition to the core Home Visiting activities, the PFL model recommends additional support for families through:

  • Antenatal Education
  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Baby Massage
  • Evidence Based Parenting Programmes.

These programmes provide specific information and support at key stages for parents and children.  In addition, they are generally provided in a group setting, facilitating peer support and development of informal networks of support for parents beyond the formal Home Visiting services. 

Sites implementing PFL Home Visiting may chose to recruit suitably qualified staff to deliver these programmes or may enter into collaborative relationships with local organisations where these services already exist in the community.