
Research and Evaluation is a key part of all Northside Partnership Programmes. We closely monitor and document how our programmes perform and how they benefit our target communities.

We want to understand:

  • What is working well and making a real difference to our communities?
  • What are the factors that make a programme successful?
  • What can we improve in how we deliver our programmes?
  • What are the emerging issues in our communities that we need to deal with?

Please see below a range of publications and reports on our programmes. If you cannot find the information you need, please contact us.


PFL Home Visiting at Age 9: Assessing the Continuity or Fade-Out of Effects.

Age 9 Follow Up - Summary Report

Age 9 Follow Up - Technical Report

PFL Home Visiting at Age 5: Did Preparing for Life Improve Children's School Readiness?

Did Preparing for Life Improve Children's School Readiness?

PFL Home Visiting Interim Reports

Home Visiting - Briefing Documents

Home Visiting - School Readiness Reports

Childrens Research Network Data Collection

Preparing for Life data collection

Irish Social Science Data Archive

Preparing for Life Data Archive 2008 - 2015


Strengthening Foundations of Learning

SFL Final Evaluation report (Executive Summary)

SFL Final Evaluation Report

Oral Language and Communications

Little changes, big results: the impact of simple changes to early years learning environments (Nóirín Hayes and Sandra O'Neill)(link is external)

‘I do it all the time! My mam does it!’ Leveraging the familiar to enhance communication skills in early years educators (Triona Rooney and Nóirín Hayes)